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Garage Fire in Cavallino: Flames and Smoke Visible for Kilometers

Garage a fuoco a Cavallino, civici pompieri per i soccorsi con i vigili del fuoco

On Sunday morning around 10 AM, a garage in Cavallino, specifically on Via Cristoforo Sabbadino, caught fire. The blaze, which broke out in a building located off Via Fausta and surrounded by vegetation near residential homes, sent flames and a dark smoke plume into the sky that was visible for kilometers.

Emergency services responded quickly to the scene. An ambulance from Croce Verde provided assistance to individuals who had inhaled smoke. Firefighters and volunteer firefighters from Cavallino-Treporti worked to extinguish the flames, which had also spread to the surrounding vegetation.

According to Mayor Roberta Nesto, the firefighters were able to control the fire despite strong winds. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured in the incident. The Carabinieri and local police were also present at the scene.

Mayor Nesto expressed her gratitude to all the volunteers who assisted and offered solidarity to the citizens affected by the fire.

The original article was published on March 2, 2025, at 11:48 AM by La redazione on

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